The U. S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Food for Peace(FFP) is the U. S. Government (USG) leader in international food assistance.
The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to disseminate the necessary information to enable prospective applicants to
apply for USAID FFP multi-year emergency food assistance awards using Title II and/or Emergency Food Security Program (EFSP) resources.
This funding opportunity is authorized under the Food for Peace Act (FFP Act) or Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) of 1961, as amended.
FFP’s Mission is to reduce hunger and malnutrition and ensure that adequate, safe and nutritious food is available to, accessible to, and well-utilized by all individuals at all times to support a healthy and productive life.
Through its emergency awards, FFP provides food assistance to save lives, reduce suffering,and support the early recovery of populations affected by both acute andprotracted emergencies.
This is a Draft APS for comments from interested parties to be submitted by October 25, 201 9. The final APS is expected to be posted on October 30, 201 9.