The Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) grant program provides support for States and tribes to develop and implement programs to improve the educational, health, and social outcomes for expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers and their families.
The PAF aims to strengthen access to and completion
of education (secondary and postsecondary); improve child and maternal health outcomes; improve pregnancy planning and spacing and reduce the likelihood of repeat teen pregnancies; increase parenting skills for mothers, fathers, and families; strengthen co-parenting relationships and marriage where appropriate, increase positive paternal involvement; decrease intimate partner violence; and raise awareness of available resources.
For purposes of this funding announcement, the term âexpectantâ includes both women and men who are expecting a child.
The term teens refer to both young men and women of high-school age and students refers to women and men enrolled in institutions of higher education.
The term young adults refer to both men and women age 20 -2 4. Families include, but are not limited to spouses, partners, and children.
OAH encourages applications that serve both pregnant teens and women and expectant and parenting fathers.
OAH has two program priorities for this FOA:
1) proposals that seek to involve expectant and parenting fathers and 2) proposals that target young adults (ages 20 â 24).
This FOA supports the HHS Strategic Goals to 1) Strengthen Health Care; 2) Advance the Health, Safety, and Well-Being of the American People; 3) Secure and Expand Health Insurance Coverage; 4) Eliminate Health Disparities; 5) Promote Early Childhood Health and Development; 6) Put Children and Youth on the Path for Successful Futures; and 7) Promote Prevention and Wellness across the Lifespan.