Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Support for Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families

The PAF program provides support for States and tribes to develop and implement programs to improve the educational, health, and social outcomes for expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers and their families.

The PAF program provides funding to States and tribes to establish, maintain,


or operate life-affirming services for expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers and their families in high schools, community service centers, and Institutions of Higher Education.

The PAF program also allows States and tribes to provide funding to its Attorney General to improve services for pregnant women who are victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Additionally, the PAF program allows States and tribes to use grant funds to increase public awareness and education concerning any services or resources available to expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers and their families, which support the intent and purposes of this funding announcement.

For purposes of this funding announcement, the term expectant includes both women and men who are expecting a child.

The term teens refers to both young men and women of high-school age and students refers to women and men enrolled in institutions of higher education.

While OAH is interested in applications that address the needs of expectant and parenting young fathers, applicants can not apply for funds to only serve expectant and parenting young fathers.

Rather, OAH is interested in applications that serve expectant and parenting teens, women, fathers, and their families.

More information about the PAF, including descriptions of program strategies from previous PAF grantees, is available at
Related Programs

Pregnancy Assistance Fund Program

Department of Health and Human Services

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Support for Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families

Additional Information of Eligibility:
Any State, which includes the District of Columbia, any commonwealth possession, or other territory of the United States, and any Federally-recognized Indian Tribe, reservation, or consortium or council, is eligible to apply for a grant under this announcement.

The authorized representative from the State or tribe shall apply for and administer the grant awarded under this announcement.

A signed letter from the authorized representative must accompany the application; it should include documentation establishing the authorized representative’s authority to apply for and administer the grant funds on behalf of the State or tribe.

Appropriate agencies that might apply on behalf of the State or tribe could include, but are not limited to the following types of entities: State/tribal education, human services, or health agencies.

Interested State/tribal agencies are encouraged to partner with other interested State/tribal agencies early in the application process to ensure that the holistic needs of the expectant and parenting population in that State/tribe will be met through this grant.

Each State or tribe is allowed only one eligible application for submission.

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Agency Email Description: Customer Support

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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