The goal of this FOA is to fund intermediary organizations that will provide CBA to at least 3 youth-serving organizations to replicate evidence-based TPP programs in a defined service area with demonstrated need.
CBA is designed to enhance the ability of organizations to implement, evaluate,
and sustain evidence-based TPP programs.
CBA can focus on building an organizations capacity to develop and manage a TPP program (i.e., organizational CBA) as well as building an organizations capacity to implement an evidence-based TPP program (i.e., programmatic CBA).
CBA can encompass diverse strategies and approaches, including but not limited to, training, technical assistance, coaching, mentoring, and peer-to-peer support.Over the five-year project period, grantees are expected to (1) identify organizations in the defined service area in need of CBA (2) assess the CBA needs of each organization (3) provide CBA on diverse topics and (4) use diverse approaches that are designed to best meet the needs of each organization.
OAH anticipates that successful applicants will provide funding to organizations that receive CBA to support their efforts to replicate evidence-based TPP programs.
The applicant must determine the length of time that each organization will be actively engaged in receiving CBA and the amount of funding each will receive.
Applicants may elect to work with the same organizations over the course of the 5-year project period or may elect to work with organizations for a shorter period of time and initiate agreements with new organizations throughout the course of the project period.
Applicants may identify the organizations to receive CBA in the application and include a signed MOU clearly outlining the roles, responsibilities, and expectations for the applicant and the CBA partner or applicants may describe the process they will use to identify organizations to receive CBA once the grant is awarded.
If an applicant anticipates providing CBA to different organizations over the course of the five-year grant period, it must describe how and when new organizations will be selected to receive CBA and whether those organizations that had previously received CBA will continue to receive CBA.It is expected that the priorities, content, and approach for CBA may differ across organizations.
For each organization that will receive CBA, the grantee will be expected to submit a detailed CBA plan to OAH outlining the topics, format, and target audience for CBA; how CBA will be provided; the length of time CBA will be provided for; the expected outcomes of the CBA; the amount of funding provided to the organization to support its efforts to replicate evidence-based TPP programs; and how the CBA plan aligns with the needs of the organization.
Focus areas for CBA can include: Organizational CBA:
Building an organizations capacity to develop and manage a TPP program by providing CBA in the following areas (but not limited to) -- program staffing, identifying and collaborating with community stakeholders, developing a community needs assessment, financial and budget planning for managing a TPP Program, planning for sustainability, etc. Programmatic CBA:
Building an organizations capacity to implement an evidence-based TPP program by providing CBA in the following areas (but not limited to) -- selecting the appropriate evidence-based TPP program for implementation; implementing evidence-based TPP programs with fidelity and quality; selecting strategies for recruiting, retaining, and engaging youth; collecting and using performance measure data for continuous quality improvement; etc.