The Public Affairs Office of the US Embassy in Tirana, Albania, pending on availability of funds, accepting proposals for an “Investigative Journalism Exchange Program” that would:
a) provide training for 6 to 8 Albanian journalism students and early career journalists at a U. S. journalism
school for one week to ten days including classroom and field work on investigative reporting topics.
Participants in the program would be identified by the U. S. Embassy, b) bring 6 to 8 U. S. masters-degree or senior journalism students for one week to Tirana to work with Albanian university journalists and young reporters on investigative reporting projects.
The exchange will work closely with the existing Investigative Journalism Lab project, and reports will be featured on the projects website www.pse201 7. com in both languages.
The program will focus on how to conduct investigative reporting that increases government accountability and helps expose and fight corruption in the online era.
Journalism students would work in teams on jointly agreed topics during the two respective trips.
The exchange program would enhance improve journalism skills and produce actual investigations, enhanced with strong photo and video elements.
Lecturers from the Journalism Lab and the hosting U. S. institution will help mentor the students before, during and after the exchange, until the time of the publication of the investigative pieces.