22 APRIL 2024:
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the Full Proposal due date to August 20, 2024, at 5:00pm, ET.10 APRIL 2024:
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) posts this funding opportunity in support of the Personalized Regenerative Immunocompetent Nanotechnology
Tissue (PRINT) Program.
ARPA-H anticipates multiple awards and award types will result from this announcement.Interested parties are invited to review the attached PRINT Innovative Solutions Opening (ISO) ARPA-H-SOL-24-10 1. 27 MARCH 2024:
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) posts this funding opportunity in support of the Personalized Regenerative Immunocompetent Nanotechnology Tissue (PRINT) Program.
ARPA-H anticipates multiple awards and award types will result from this announcement.
ARPA-H will host a Proposer’s Day on May 07, 202 4. The event will allow for both in-person and virtual participation and is intended to facilitate teaming and foster a greater understanding of the PRINT Program.
The closing date for registration is April 30, 2024, 1:00 PM ET.
In-person attendance is first-come, first-served or when capacity is reached.
After reviewing the attached Proposers’ Day information, interested parties are encouraged to register at the link below.https://arpa-h.gov/research-and-funding/programs/printSolution Summary Due Date and Time:
May 28, 2024, 9:00 AM ET Proposals will be by invitation only.
Proposal Due Date and Time:
August 20, 2024, 5:00 PM ETFor more information about ARPA-H, please visit https://arpa-h.gov