The YRBWEP Conservation Program is a joint program funded in part by Washington State Department, Sunnyside Division Board of Control/Sunnyside Valley Irrigation District (SDBOC/SVID).
ECOLOGY’s funding for this program is derived from the Agricultural Water Supply Facilities Referendum
38, Chapter 4 3. 99E RCW, November 1980, and represents 17½ percent of the funding for implementation of approved water conservation measure(s).
RECLAMATION’s funding is authorized under Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe Water Settlement Act of 1994; P.L.
103-434, Section XII—Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project, and represents 65 percent of the funding to implement approved water conservation measures.
The Recipient must fund the remaining 17½ percent of the cost to implement water conservation measure(s).
Following the provisions of the Basin Conservation Program, SDBOC/SVID completed a Water Conservation Plan in 1998 that included long-term rehabilitation of conveyance facilities.
The plan was adopted by the District in 199 8. SVID has completed two Phases of canal and lateral lining (Phase I, Phase IIB and soon to complete Phase IIC) identified in the 1998 plan, replaced many of the original check structures, and has pursued an aggressive program of converting ditches to piped laterals.
This Water Conservation Plan was reviewed and accepted for Feasibility Investigation by Reclamation and Ecology.
SVID completed the Feasibility Investigation in March of 200 7. The purpose of this grant agreement is to provide cost share funding for Phase IID ELIPS lateral lining as set forth in the Feasibility Investigation.
This project will encourage the voluntary reduction in water diverted from the Yakima River to further the YRBWEP goals.
Simply stated, these goals are to improve the availability of water supplies for irrigation and to protect and enhance fish and wildlife resources, including wetlands, while improving the quality of water in the Yakima River basin.
1. Will on its own account or by contract or contracts, shall construct the Project substantially in accordance with the plan approved for funding under Referendum 38 and Title XII of Pub.
103-434, and as set forth in the Scope of Work subject to such written modifications or changes in plan as may be agreed upon by the RECIPIENT, ECOLOGY, and RECLAMATION.
2. Will perform or cause to be performed all of said work pursuant to detailed plans, designs, estimates, and specifications, and in accordance with sound engineering practices, all as approved by ECOLOGY and RECLAMATION as adequate to protect the interests of the United States and the State of Washington in the Project.
3. Agrees to pay for any increase in operation and maintenance costs associated with the proposed work, either from reserve accounts, tax revenues and/or assessments.
4. Agrees to complete construction of the Project works within a maximum of 7 years; provided, however, that such construction period may be extended if Federal and State funds are not available for whatever reason.
Written approval of ECOLOGY and RECLAMATION must be given to extend the work schedule.
No substantial involvement on the part of Reclamation is anticipated for the successful completion of the objectives to be funded by this award.
It is anticipated that Reclamation’s involvement will consist of standard federal stewardship responsibilities such as monitoring project performance, technical assistance at the request of the recipient, etc.