Violence is a serious, yet preventable, public health problem.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) (see glossary for a list of definitions of italicized words) affects millions of women, men, and children.
In the United States, 1in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience contact sexual violence,
physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner with a negative impact such as injury, fear, concern for safety, or needing services (Smith et al, 2017).
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) data showed many victims of IPV began experiencing these forms of violence prior to adulthood (Smith, et al, 2017).
About 7% of women and 4% of men in the US reported their first experience of IPV before age 18 (Smith et al, 2017).
Community and societal-level prevention activities can address risk and protective factors associated with IPV and may have the broadest public health impact.
Authorized by the Family Violence and Prevention Services Act (FVPSA), CDC has funded the Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements and Leadership Through Alliances (DELTA) Program since 200 2. The DELTA program funds State Domestic Violence Coalitions (SDVCs) to implement statewide IPV prevention efforts, while also providing assistance and funding for local communities to implement IPV prevention activities.
Different iterations of DELTA have focused funding on increasing organizational capacity, implementation and evaluation of IPV primary prevention activities.The purpose of this NOFO is to bring about decreases in IPV risk factors and increases in IPV protective factors by increasing strategic data-driven planning and sustainable use of community and societal level primary prevention activities that address the social determinants of health (SDOH) and are based on the best available evidence.
In addition, the NOFO will help to further develop the evidence-base for community and societal-level programs and policy efforts to prevent IPV by increasing the use of evaluation and existing surveillance data at the state and local level.
Another goal of the NOFO is for SDVCs to support the integration of primary prevention goals and action steps throughout the state and local level IPV planning and capacity building activities.
The aim of integrating primary prevention into state planning is to help states leverage diverse funding and partnerships to increase the implementation of primary prevention above and beyond DELTA funding.
DELTA Impact requires SDVCs to focus on the implementation of 3 to 4 evidence-informed programs and policy efforts within three specific focus areas.
SDVCs will also focus on developing or enhancing an already-existing State Action Plan (SAP) to increase the use of data for planning and the prioritization of primary prevention of IPV based on any existing health inequities within their jurisdictions.
SDVCs will be expected to participate in the national evaluation of the NOFO and provide leadership at the state and national level.
They will also provide funding and technical assistance to the Coordinated Community Response teams (CCRs) selected to implement and evaluate the chosen programs and policy efforts.