CDC’s Injury Center announces the availability of fiscal year 2020 funds to implement CDC-RFA-CE20-2001, Comprehensive Suicide Prevention.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) supports implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive public health approach to suicide prevention.
an approach includes strong leadership as the convener of multi-sectoral partnerships; prioritizes data to identify vulnerable populations and to better characterize risk (e.g., relationship, job/financial, mental health problems) and protective factors (e.g.
connectedness, hope, resilience) impacting suicide; leverages current prevention practices and fills gaps by selecting multiple and complementary strategies with the best available evidence using CDC’s Preventing Suicide:
A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices; rigorously evaluates the overall approach and individual activities; feeds data back into the system for quality improvement and sustainability; and effectively communicates results.
The purpose of this NOFO is to implement and evaluate this approach to suicide prevention, with attention to vulnerable populations (e.g., veterans, tribal populations, rural communities, LGBTQ, homeless, other) that account for a significant proportion of the suicide burden and have suicide rates greater than the general population in a jurisdiction(s) (e.g., state, city/county, tribe).
Key outcomes include a 10% reduction in suicide morbidity and mortality in the jurisdiction(s).