The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Partnerships and Learning at the Bureau of Conflict & Stabilization Operation has requested an early warning and economic impact assessment on the occupied territories of the West Bank.
As the only bureau within the State Department possessing
technological and analytical expertise for leading scientific assessments of conflict, particularly in the field of early warning, CSO is well positioned to make policy and programming contributions aimed at mitigating or managing the on-going crisis between the Israelis and Palestinians..
The requested analysis is part of CSO's continued mission of advancing U. S. national security by breaking cycles of violent conflict and mitigating crises.
Based on the scope of work, it will take 4 to 6 week time for completing the analysis.
CSO will require surge of outside expertise in order to provide scientific early warning assessment of hostility trends in the West Bank and scenario testing of specific scenarios.
The team will provide an integrated tactical and strategic assessment of the West Bank using with political-econometric modeling of conflict dynamics using violence data and economic indicators.
CSO proposes a grant for the amount of $9,500 to complete the assessment.