A goal of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009 (ARRA), in part,is to:
¿facilitate recovery from disruptions to the energy supply¿ and¿enhancereliability and quicker repair of outages.¿ This initiative will createjobsat the local level and allow Cities to have well-developed, standardizedenergyassurance
and resiliency plans that they can rely on during energyemergenciesand supply disruptions.
City governments will address energy supplydisruptionrisks and vulnerabilities in their plans to lessen the devastating impactthatsuch incidents have on the economy and the health and safety of citizens.This initiative, (restricted to U. S. cities) called ¿Local Energy AssurancePlanning¿ (hereinafter called the LEAP Initiative) focuses on developingnew,or refining existing, plans to integrate new energy portfolios (renewables,biofuels, etc) and new applications, such as Smart Grid technology(http://www.oe.energy.gov/smartgrid.htm), into energy assurance andemergencypreparedness plans.
Better planning efforts will help contribute to theresiliency of the energy sector, including the electricity grid, byfocusing onthe entire energy supply system, which includes refining, storage, anddistribution of fossil and renewable fuels.