This program is intended to serve to sustain the operational capability of the Somalia Police Force (SPF) counterterrorism units that have received training, equipping, and mentoring using CT funds.
Program objectives are separated into three parts.
1) Continued training and mentoring to
the SPF Forensic Science Lab (FSL).
The selected implementer will be asked to deploy certified latent print and digital evidence subject matter experts to continue to work with FSL as it supports evidence-based counterterrorism investigations in Mogadishu.
1) Sustain logistical support to CT-funded SPF units This includes equipment maintenance and vehicle maintenance, consumables (including fuel, lab chemicals, and reagents, computer software licenses and updates, enabler capabilities including electronic countermeasures (ECM) system maintenance and support, and ammunition).
This also includes tracking and monitoring Leahy vetting, collating stipend spreadsheets for pay out by a separate implementer, and, 1) Provide continued monitoring, evaluation, and oversight of weapons and ammunition as required by law.
This involves monthly or quarterly (to be determined later) equipment verifications and reporting.
This also includes managing a secure storage space and logging controlled items checked into and out of implementer “custody”.
(Using the allocated budget, the selected implementer will be expected to maintain this or another storage space build to the same international standards.
The estimated cost for this space is $7-10,000/month.