The Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI) of the U. S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) outlining concepts and capacity to manage a project that aims to prevent and address gender-based violence (GBV),
including and especially the harmful practices of female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C) and/or child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM).
S/GWI is particularly interested in efforts to address these harmful practices through girl-led initiatives by:
(1) directly investing in and supporting girl-led and girl-serving groups, networks, and/or coalitions through small grants and capacity support to design and implement solutions tailored to their communities; and (2) coordination and facilitating engagement between girls and key stakeholders and decisionmakers on ending GBV and harmful practices.
All activities should be designed to help girls build their own networks and individual capacity to participate in, inform, and lead and contribute to broader movements to end GBV and harmful practices in their communities.
Statements of interest should clearly define and detail one country or one region of implementation.
Applicants can select from the following five countries (Indonesia, Nepal, Niger, or Sierra Leone) or the West Africa region.
This project should focus on girls and young women ages 10-1 9.