The DHS Scientific Leadership Awards (SLA) program is one of several administered by the Office of University Programs intended to help achieve the goals of S&T.
The SLA program will help develop enduring educational and research capabilities within the MSI communities.
Critical elements
of a successful SLA program will include the following:
1)Coordinated teaching and DHS relevant research projects or initiatives with significant involvement of an early career faculty2)Establishment of collaborative relationships with the DHS research COEs, DHS / DOE and other federal labs 3)HS-STEM curriculum development and course content4)Financial support for undergraduate students in the form of scholarships and other direct student support5)Student internships and other experiential learning opportunities6)Best practices for successful student mentoring and career guidance7)Processes with the potential for highly successful transition of supported students to HS-STEM related careers, or admission to graduate school8)Student tracking and reporting methodologyThe proposal must contain a subproject that allows collaboration or faculty exchange between the early career faculty and a researcher at one of the COE Research lead universities, a DHS / DOE or other related federal laboratory.