The National Nuclear Forensics Expertise Development Program (NNFEDP) works to build a nuclear forensics workforce of recognized technical experts and leaders through fostering scholastic and research collaboration between and among academia, the national and defense laboratories, and the National Technical
Nuclear Forensics (NTNF) Interagency, as required by law.
The implementation of the NNFEDP fulfills the requirements outlined in Homeland Security Act of 2002, as amended.
This program also aligns with Goal 1 of the DHS Strategic Plan fiscal years 2020-2024 [Department of Homeland Security's Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 Homeland Security (]:
“Counter Terrorism and Homeland Security Threats” and Objectives 1. 2:
“Detect and Disrupt Threats,” and 1. 4:
“Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction and Emerging Threats.” To accomplish this mandate, the following initiative has been implemented:
The Nuclear Forensics Research Award (NFRA) supports the establishment of a team of faculty, students, and technical staff at the national or defense laboratories to conduct research in the field of nuclear forensics.