The recipient has successfully developed a PAPR for wildland firefighters that provides HEPA-level protection against particulate matters and Class II NFPA 1984:2022 protection against chemical vapor hazards.
In-house testing has been conducted by the recipient to address the work identified under
the prior NOFO to include realignment of the WFR’s carbon bed performance in compliance with NFPA 1984:2022, modification of the battery pack to ensure resistance to heat exposure and flammability, and creation of a compartmented backpack for housing of the WFR.
Additionally, the wildland firefighter respirator (WFR) has undergone three operational field assessments occurring in FY22/2 3. The assessments allowed experienced wildland firefighters to participate in various wildland simulation exercises using the WFR.
The evaluators provided substantive feedback to the recipient, which was overwhelmingly positive regarding battery life, airflow, noise level, mounting systems, and communication capability while wearing the WFR.
These combined efforts have resulted in respiratory technology compliant with the regulatory standards noted in NFPA 1984 and have successfully achieved both functionality and levels of performance that is unavailable from the PAPRs that are currently sold commercially.