The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) executes the Department of Defense (DoD) Procurement Technical Assistance Program by awarding cost sharing cooperative agreements to assist states, local governments, private nonprofit organizations, tribal organizations and economic enterprises in establishing or maintaining
procurement technical assistance centers (PTACs) pursuant to Chapter 142 of title 10, United States Code.
The Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (P.L.
110-329) provided funds for the continuance of the program in FY 2009, requiring DoD to make available not less than $ 3. 6 million for applicants that meet the definition of 10 U.S.C §2411 (1) (D).
At this time, limited additional funds are available and a Solicitation for Cooperative Agreement Applications (SCAA) is being issued to accept applications for additional new programs from eligible entities meeting the definition listed in Section II, paragraph 1 8. d.
(Economic Enterprise) or paragraph 1 8. e.
(Tribal Organization) of this SCAA.
Further, applications will only be accepted from eligible entities that propose programs that will provide service to areas that are not currently receiving service from an existing program.
Existing PTACs service the following four Bureau of Indian Affairs Regions:
Alaska, Eastern Oklahoma, Northwest, and Southern Plains.
The provision prohibiting applications proposing to service areas currently covered by an existing program is absolute, and the provisions of Paragraph D.
Duplicate Coverage of Section V, of this SCAA do not apply.
Applications received in response to this SCAA from entities not meeting the definitions listed in Section II, paragraph 1 8. d.
(Economic Enterprise) or 1 8. e.
(Tribal Organization) of this SCAA and/or proposing to service areas already receiving service from an existing program will be neither accepted nor evaluated.
Otherwise, the provisions of Paragraph D.
Duplicate Coverage of Section V, of this SCAA will apply when any unacceptable duplicate coverage is proposed.
The SCAA is available at the following DLA website: 9. pdf.
Printed copies of the SCAA are not available for distribution.
The closing date for the submission of all applications is June 12, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
To submit an application, eligible entities must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) and have a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code.
Registration can be accomplished on line at the website.
Upon completion and acceptance of the registration information, the CCR will provide a CAGE Code.
All applicants must submit a SF 424 Application for Federal Assistance through the website.
In addition, supplemental information necessary to complete the application must be submitted through a DLA website.
A login and password is necessary to access the website.
These may be obtained from the Grants Officer by mailing, e-mailing, faxing, or otherwise delivering to the address below, a written request for a login and password along with sufficient documentation to allow for a preliminary determination regarding your organizations eligibility to submit an application.
Logins and passwords will not be furnished to persons or organizations that do not qualify as an eligible entity under Section II, paragraph 1 8. d.
or e.
of this SCAA.
The address, fax, and email are as follows:
Defense Logistics Agency, Office of Small Business Programs (DB), Attention:
Grants Officer, Procurement Technical Assistance Program, 8725 John J.
Kingman Road, Suite 1127, Ft.
Belvoir, VA 22060; E-mail:; Fax:
(703) 767-167 0. Please direct any questions or concerns to Ms. Christina Young, Grants Officer, (703) 767-1656, or Ms. Lindyll Finley, Program Manager, (703) 767-1654,