The PublicAffairs Section (PAS) of the U. S. Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia encourages U.S.organizations to apply for the 2019 Television Cooperative Program (TVCO-OP) to assist a Georgian television company in filming feature storiesor/and a documentary under the generic working title Benefits of Vocational
Training, Informal Education, and Entertainmentfor Youth.
PAS will nominate a Georgian television company forparticipation.
The call for applicants envisages the submission of a proposaldescribing how the grant recipient organization could connect a Georgiantelevision crew with relevant subject matter interviewees from government,academia, NGO‘s and other interlocutors.
The applicants should also be able to facilitate location scouting, shootinglogistics, and provide all necessary logistical support.
PASexpects the selected Georgian TV crew to produce three 10-minute featurestories or a documentary upon their return to Georgia.
The Georgian TV crew –one journalist and one cameraman - will provide all necessary filmingequipment, work on post-production, and air the final product.
The grantrecipient organization is expected to coordinate all the logistics and program developmentplan - i.e.
a shooting schedule, a list of interviews, a U. S. domestic travelitinerary, and other related details in coordination with PAS.
The recipient’sinvolvement in production/post-production is not required.
A PAS staffer willescort the crew to the United States and provide interpretation as necessary.
Theapplicants’ proposals should include provisions that facilitate filming atdifferent locations, taping interviews with officials, educators, subjectmatter experts, and other relevant stakeholders in the United States.
The locations and shooting plan will be worked out togetherwith PAS and the grant recipient organization.