PAS is soliciting proposals to award grants to the publishing houses and public and private educational institutions to translate books by American authors under the following themes:
· Public Policy/Civic education:
general public policy, also public policy on issues related to the environment,
cybersecurity and cyber education, agriculture, health, and education management.
· Media:
media ethics, media management, mass communication, strategic communication, cybersecurity and cyber education and related topics.
· Economics:
entrepreneurship, business administration, management, economics, and related topics.
· Rule of Law:
international law, intellectual property rights, jury trials, and related topics · Basic Education:
educational management and administration, curriculum planning and development, educational technology, special education and education related topics.
· Literature (fiction considered only if covering the following topics):
civic education, civil society, ethnic, minority and women’s equality, conflict resolution, basic education, environment, free flow of information, human rights, public education and advocacy, rule of law.