This initiative will provide competitive grants to research, demonstrate, document, andrecommend improvements to the elections processes and best practices for 1) pre-election L&Atesting of voting systems, and 2) post-election audits.
A separate project description will beprovided for each of
the two areas covered under this Notice.
The successful applicants will beexpected to deliver a set of agreed upon outcomes and recommendations by March 30, 2012 foruse by election officials and other interested entities.Funds will support the development and documentation of a range of tools, procedures andprocesses used in managing and conducting L&A testing and post-election audit activities bytype of voting method, vendor-specific equipment, jurisdiction size, or other ways to bedetermined by applicants.
Applicants will have the opportunity to respond to either the L&Aportion of the Notice, the post-election audit portion, or both.
FAQs and Powerpoint from January 13, 2011 Technical Assistance call posted on EAC website below.