Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice.
For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice.
The official version of this document is the document published in the Federal
Free Internet access to the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations is available on GPO Access at:
Purpose of Program:
The Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship Program provides opportunities to faculty of institutions of higher education (IHEs) to engage in research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies.
Applications for grants under the Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship Program, CFDA Number 8 4. 019A, must be submitted electronically using e-Application, accessible through the Department's e-Grants Web site at:
We will reject an application if an IHE submits it in paper format unless, as described elsewhere in this section, the IHE qualifies for one of the exceptions to the electronic submission requirement and submits, no later than two weeks before the application deadline date, a written statement to the Department that the IHE qualifies for one of these exceptions.