The State Cooperative Agreements to Promote Health Information Technology:
Planning and Implementation Projects are to advance appropriate and secure health information exchange (HIE) across the health care system.
Awards will be made in the form of cooperative agreements to states or qualified
State Designated Entities (SDEs).
The purpose of this program is to continuously improve and expand HIE services over time to reach all health care providers in an effort to improve the quality and efficiency of health care.
Cooperative agreement recipients will evolve and advance the necessary governance, policies, technical services, business operations and financing mechanisms for HIE over a four year performance period.
This program will build off of existing efforts to advance regional and state level HIE while moving towards nationwide interoperability.Total funding for this initiative is $564,000,00 0. States (including territories) or their non-profit SDEs may apply, as designated by the state.
No more than one award will be made per state.
States may choose in enter into multi-state arrangements.