The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) is seeking applications for proposals in three program tracks:
proposals for the creation of shared resources that promote collaboration (Track 1); proposals for collaborative research (Track 2); and proposals that pilot the
use of a research dataset on Hurricane Sandy (Sandy) outcomes (Track 3).
Successful applications will inform the ongoing response to, and recovery from, Sandy.
This award competition is limited to applicants funded under ASPR FOA EP-HIT-13-001, CDC FOAs TP13-001 and OH13-002, and NIEHS FOAs RFA-ES-13-008 and NOT-ES-13-003, as a joint ASPR, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) program effort to support collaborative resources or research that builds on the outcomes of the January 2014 Joint Hurricane Sandy Science Grantee Meeting.
The goal is to increase the effectiveness of all exi sting funded projects by enhancing the research aims and expected outcomes across all projects.