EPAs Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) is soliciting proposals to foster interaction, information sharing, and coordination among federal, state, and tribal programs responsible for the detection, prevention, and cleaning up of releases from federally-regulated USTs.
EPA anticipates
awarding two cooperative agreements from this competitive announcement.
One cooperative agreement will support states and tribal UST release prevention programs and the other will support states and tribal leaking underground storage tank (LUST) cleanup programs.
There are separate evaluation criteria for each agreement in Section 5. Applicants may submit proposals for either or both of the two cooperative agreements; however, applicants must submit a separate proposal for each award.
EPA will not consider combined proposals.
The goal of these cooperative agreements is to improve program implementation by providing states and tribes with training opportunities, technical information, communication exchange of research and demonstration projects, and a forum for federal, state, and tribal partners to give insights on lessons learned.