The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants to manage the Five Star Restoration Training Grant.
Specifically, EPA is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants to:
1) prepare and advertise a Request for Proposals (RFP), establish review
criteria for evaluating and selecting subawardee proposals, and make subawards to support environmental training through voluntary, community/watershed-based wetland restoration projects that provide ecological and socioeconomic benefits to the surrounding communities and their citizens; 2) oversee and monitor subawardees for successful completion of the restoration training projects; 3) provide technical support to subawardees through peer-to-peer outreach to broaden participation in restoration training projects; 4) qualitatively and quantitatively measure and report on the environmental results of the restoration training projects accomplished through the subawards; and 5) develop a strategy to promote and grow the Five Star Restoration Training Grant program over the life of the cooperative agreement.
The competitive subaward process proposed by the applicant must be on a national scale by allowing for subaward proposals for restoration training projects from across the 50 United States, Tribal Lands, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and the U. S. Territories.