The Student Environmental Development Program is an educational and leadership development program established in Philadelphia, Pa.
(EPA Region 3) in 199 3. SEDP provides a six to seven-week summer course to rising eighth grade students in lower income inner city neighborhoods.
The program
provides a holistic approach to science-based environmental education.
Students concurrently learn communication skills, cultural awareness, and career training.
Students participate in hands-on classroom activities, relevant extended learning experiences, service learning, and community service.
Each week, lecturers from EPA and other federal, state, and local governments as well as non-government organizations cover a wide spectrum of environmental, science, health, and personal development topics.
From recycling to air and water quality, participants develop a stronger understanding of environmental stewardship and individual responsibility.
SEDP has provided a successful model for other organizations and the format is being used by environmental, conservation and outdoor educational programs nationwide.
EPA has conducted programs in Philadelphia (18th year), Washington, D.C.
(9th year), Baltimore (2nd year), Chester, Pa.
(held from 1999 2002), and Wilmington, Del.
(12th year).