This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals for financial assistance to eligible entities through EPA Region 4s focus on the national Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC) priorities.
This funding opportunity supports EPAs strategic goal of land preservation and
restoration and provides monies to external organizations to help states, tribes, local governments, communities, and non-profits address the RCC priorities.
Region 4 priorities for this solicitation include resource conservation, waste and chemicals reduction, and providing significant energy savings and greenhouse gas reduction benefits as identified in this announcement.
Region 4 encompasses the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
Region 4 strongly encourages applicants to identify opportunities for collaboration, leveraging of non-federal funding/in-kind services, stewardship, sustainability and source reduction.
Priority will be given to projects that result in measurable results in the form of pounds/tons recycled, diverted and/or reduced, specifically; municipal solid waste (MSW), priority chemicals, industrial materials, and green initiatives (e.g., electronics).