The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 is soliciting grant proposals from eligible entities to raise awareness of the hazards of lead-based paint, especially from renovation and repair activities in older homes and child care facilities, with the goal of reducing childrens exposure
to lead.
Applicants should provide information from the candidate community on the following criteria:
1) amount of housing stock that is pre-1978 2) data on children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels (EBLLs) 3) whether a significant amount of renovation, repair and painting activities are expected to occur in this community(e.g., post-natural disaster, trend in renovations or additions, etc.) 4) statistics on children living in poverty 5) how the preceding four criteria may be exacerbated by population density issues (e.g., densely populated urban areas or very sparsely populated rural and/or tribal areas.
A community may be a neighborhood, town, city or region that might incorporate more than one town, such as the Texas Panhandle.)