The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (Section 305, Title III, Public Law 101 646, 16 U.S.C.
3954) established the National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program (NCWCGP) to acquire, restore, and enhance wetlands in coastal States through competitive matching grants
to State agencies.
The primary goal of the NCWCGP is the long term conservation of coastal wetland ecosystems.
In FY 2015, the NCWCGP will fund 25 individual projects encompassing 11,353 acres of coastal habitat.The Final Rule establishing the requirements for participation in the NCWCGP was published in the Federal Register July 30, 2002 (67 FR 49264).
The program regulations are in 50 CFR 8 4. Additional information about the Program is available online at
Before applying for a grant, please carefully review this entire announcement, Attachment A, Clarification of Select Ranking Criteria in 50 CFR 8 4. 32 and General Program Questions, and the program regulations in 50 CFR 8 4. Coastal wetlands are valued, in part, because they protect against flooding, help maintain water quality, and provide habitat for wildlife.
Coastal environments are also important economically, generating billions of dollars annually through such industries as commercial fishing and tourism.The NCWCGP provides States with financial assistance to protect and restore these valuable resources.
Projects can include (1) acquisition of a real property interest (e.g., conservation easement or fee title) in coastal lands or waters (coastal wetlands ecosystems) from willing sellers or partners for long term conservation or (2) restoration, enhancement, or management of coastal wetlands ecosystems.
All projects must ensure conservation of 20 years or longer.
Examples of restoration efforts that may be funded include:
Restoring wetland hydrology by plugging drainage ditches, breaking tile drainage systems, installing water control structures, dike construction, or establishing historic connections with waterways, or planting native vegetation and/or removing invasive plants and animals that compete with native fish and wildlife and alter native habitats.
We rank applications based on criteria published in 50 CFR 8 4. 3 2. The funding opportunity announcement is found on our website: