Subtitle C of the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 (P.L.
111-11) (Act) authorized the Wolf-Livestock Demonstration Project Grant Program with two purposes:
1) prevention - grant dollars to assist livestock producers in undertaking proactive, nonlethal activities to reduce the risk
of livestock loss due to predation by wolves; and 2) compensation - grant dollars to reimburse livestock producers for livestock losses due to such predation.
Included in the authorization language was direction that the program be established as a grant program to provide funding to States and tribes, that the Federal cost-share not exceed 50 percent, and that funds be expended equally between the two purposes.
The Service is initiating a competitive program to States and tribes in accordance with P.L.
111-1 1. States and tribes may compete for prevention or compensation grants.
Grant amounts will be contingent upon the quality and number of proposals received.