Adaptive Science

This funding opportunity is a notice of intent to award a single source grant to Winston-Salem State University to help meet the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (Service) need for information and collaboration directed at high impact questions surrounding threats to fish and wildlife resources

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for which management and/or mitigation is required to maintain species at healthy, sustainable, desired levels.

The Service must base its decisions on the best science available, in order to defend its regulatory decisions, biological opinions and species conservation recommendations to land managers.

The Service uses a science-based, adaptive framework for setting and achieving broad-scale conservation objectives that strategically address the problems fish and wildlife will face in the future.

This framework, called Strategic Habitat Conservation, is based on the principles of adaptive management and uses population and habitat data, ecological models, and focused monitoring and assessment efforts to develop and implement strategies that result in measurable fish and wildlife population outcomes.

This process uses the best available scientific information to predict how fish and wildlife populations will respond to changes in the environment, thus enabling the Service to focus habitat conservation and other management activities where they will be most effective.

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Adaptive Science

Department of the Interior

Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service


Estimated Funding: $85,000

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

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Additional Information of Eligibility:
Eligibility is limited to the SSDI Programs that are currently funded under HRSA-12-003 within the 19 States that make up U. S. Public Health Regions IV, V, and VI that are currently participating or will be participating in CoIIN during FY 2013 (December

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