The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)?s Border Enforcement Grant (BEG) Program provides financial assistance to States and and entities that share a land border with Canada and Mexico to ensure motor carriers operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) entering the United States (U.S.)
from a foreign country are in compliance with commercial vehicle safety standards and regulations, financial responsibility regulations and registration requirments of the U.S, and to ensure drivers of those vehicles are qualified and properly licensed to operate a CMV.FMCSA announces this grant opportunity based on authorities provided for in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:
A Legacy of Users (Pub.
Sections 4101(c)(2) and 4110 of SAFETEA-LU authorize Border Enforcement Grant funding.
BEG grants are governed by 49 USC 31107 as added by section 4110(a)(1) of SAFETEA-LU.
The Agency will inform applicants if new authorizing legislation changes its grant programs for FY 201 2.