The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U. S. Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department, or we), announces the availability of approximately $15 million in grant funds authorized by Section 169, subsection (b), of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
We expect to fund
approximately 8 cooperative agreements to state workforce agencies, ranging from $ 1. 5 million to $ 2. 5 million each.
Applicants may apply for up to $ 2. 5 million.This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) builds upon the DEI that the Department has funded since 201 0. Through this FOA, the Department plans to support the development of job-driven, innovative, integrated, flexible, and universally-designed service delivery strategies in existing career pathways systems and programs.
The Department believes that such development will increase the participation of individuals with disabilities in career pathways systems and programs.
Since 2010, the Department has awarded over $95 million through the DEI to 37 state workforce agencies (WIA-administering entities) in 26 states under the DEI to improve the education, training, and employment outcomes of youth and adults with disabilities by refining and expanding already identified successful workforce strategies.
Starting in 2014, DOL required Round V DEI grantees to increase the participation of youth and adults with disabilities in existing career pathway systems and programs implemented in the AJCs.
DOL awarded six Round V DEI grants in California, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and South Dakota.