The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U. S. Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department, or we), announces the availability of up to $20,000,000 in grant funds authorized by section 169(c) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Public Law 113‐128, Dislocated Worker Demonstration
Projects, and the Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2016, Public Law 114‐113 for the pilot grant program, Summer Jobs and Beyond:
Career Pathways for Youth (CPY).
The purpose of this program is to provide employment‐related services to eligible youth who are new entrants to the workforce, including those with limited current or past work experience.
The program will provide youth with work experience opportunities, including summer and year‐round part‐time job opportunities for ISY and employment and work experience opportunities throughout the year for OSY, and exposure to career pathways in in‐demand job sectors.
This program will fund projects designed to link existing summer employment programs, including the LWDB‐administered local summer employment programs and non‐LWDB programs run by cities/counties (where they exist), with LEAs, re‐engagement centers (where they exist), employers, and other community partners to streamline service delivery, align resources, and assist youth in preparing for successful entry into the workforce.
To be eligible for a CPY grant, applicants must administer an existing summer employment program or partner with an existing summer employment program that is not administered by the LWDB.
The Department expects that most LWDB‐administered programs will be WIOA‐funded.