The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U. S. Department of Labor announces the availability of approximately $15 million in grant funds authorized by Section 169, subsection (b), of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for the Disability Employment Initiative (DEI).
We expect to fund approximately 8 grants (as defined in 2 CFR 20 0. 24) to state workforce agencies, ranging from $ 1. 5 million to $ 2. 5 million each.
Applicants may apply for up to $ 2. 5 million of funding.
This Announcement solicits applications for Round VIII of the Disability Employment Initiative (DEI).
The purpose of this program is to provide funding to expand the capacity of American Job Centers (AJCs), also known as One-Stop Centers, to promote the use of existing career pathways to serve two populations:
1) adults (ages 18 and older) with visible, non-visible, and significant disabilities, including those who have acquired disabilities in adulthood; and 2) youth (ages 14-24) with visible, non-visible, and significant disabilities, including those who have chronic health conditions.
Under this round of DEI funding, grantees will focus on improvements needed to make their existing “career pathways” systems fully inclusive of and accessible to individuals with disabilities.