The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), U. S. Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department), announces the availability of approximately $3,000,000 total costs (subject to the availability of Federal funds) for one cooperative agreement to fund a technical assistance project in Malaysia to support
workers and worker organizations as they advocate for improved occupational safety and health standards, including gender-responsive standards, and integration of effective programs to prevent and address gender-based violence and harassment in the electronics sector through worker organizing and collective bargaining.
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In order to achieve the project objective, applicants must propose strategies to achieve the following outcomes:Outcome(s)• 1. Increased union participation/integration of new union members, in particular women members, as a result of new worker organizing campaigns.• 2. Improved skills of worker organizations to advocate for improvements in occupational safety and health standards, including gender-responsive occupational safety and health standards, and eradication of gender-based violence and harassment in target workplaces and communities.• 3. Increased engagement by workers and worker organizations with government officials and employers to negotiate, address, resolve, and prevent occupational safety and health and gender-based violence and harassment abuses in the workplace through collective bargaining.Questions regarding this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Forecast may be emailed to; however, please note there is limited information that may be shared with the public, as this FOA is currently under development.
We encourage prospective applicants and interested parties to use the subscription option to register for future updates provided for this particular FOA.