The Women’s Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor (DOL), partnering with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), announces $1,500,00 0. 00 for states and territories to participate in the Fostering Access, Rights, and Equity (FARE) grant initiative.
This program will allow award recipients
to undertake projects to assist underserved and marginalized low-income women workers in understanding and accessing their employment rights, public services, and benefits.
The FARE grant program will support the Women’s Bureau’s and the Department of Labor’s mandate to implement the provisions of Executive Order 13985, which charges the Department with identifying and addressing barriers to more equitable access to public benefits, services, and protections.
These grants will build on the success of recent initiatives to reach working women, including but not limited to women of color, women with disabilities, and justice-involved women to assist them.
More generally, evidence gathered in this initial round of FARE grants could be applied to future grant programs at DOL aimed at other community partnerships.