The Basic Research National Science Portals (NSPs) seek to accelerate DoD critical scientific areas and flood the United States with diverse STEM talent by capitalizing on the demonstrated excellence of Historically Black Colleges and Universities/ Minority Serving Institutions/ Tribal Colleges (HBCU/MSI/TCs)
and building their research capacity in critical research areas.
The topic areas that we seek to support with this FOA are independent from those described in our open Broad Agency Announcement (Research Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research) and do not fall completely within any one research program.
We seek to support multidisciplinary research efforts, creating synergies to speed DoD-relevant research and development.
This FOA for the NSP is intended to (1) attract faculty and students to conduct cutting-edge basic research in the technical areas listed in Section 1, (2) build capacity needed to support this research and (3) attract students to pursue studies leading to STEM careers, including in government, the defense industry, and academia.