The purpose of the CoC Homeless Assistance Programs is to reduce the incidence of homelessness in CoC communities by assisting homeless individuals and families move to self-sufficiency and permanent housing.
CoCs that sustain current successful interventions and advance HUD�s national goals
will be scored higher.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:The CoC and project applications
Additional Information of Eligibility:Supportive Housing eligible applicants are: States, Units of general local government, special purpose units of government, e.g.
PHAs, Private nonprofit organizations, Community Mental Health Centers that are public nonprofit organizations and Shelter Plus Care eligible applicants are: States, Units of general local government and PHA�s and eligible applicant for Section 8 SROs are PHAs and Private nonprofit organizations.
Please refer to the Chart within the NOFA for further details regarding eligibility.
Full Opportunity Web Address: For Further Information. Individuals may contact the NOFA Information Center at 1-800-483-8929. Individuals who are hearing or speech-impaired should use the Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 (these are toll-free numbers). Grantees and individuals can use the locator at: http://www.hudhre.
Agency Email Description:
Agency Email: see contact information
Date Posted: 2011-08-30
Application Due Date: 2011-10-28
Archive Date: 2011-11-03