The purpose of the FY13 Sustainable Communities Research Grant Program (SCRGP) is to fill key data and information gaps, and to begin to develop and evaluate policy alternatives that communities can adopt to facilitate decision making about various community investments in sustainability initiatives.
For this round of sustainability research grants, HUD is primarily interested in sponsoring cutting edge research in quality, equitable affordable housing development and preservation; transportation and infrastructure planning; and green, energy-efficient practices.
Priority is given to applications that advance evidence-based research on the effectiveness of Federal programs in these areas, which includes HUD programs, such as HOME Investment Partnerships, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Public Housing, and Choice Neighborhoods Grant programs, and the range of HUD programs that address issues related to sustainability.
HUD believes that the results from the program will enable it to develop a broader sustainability agenda beyond current departmental priorities, as well as any future efforts or initiatives that may be considered based on the results of the research.