The ALCP provides funding for the physical costs of converting some or all of the units of an eligible multifamily development into an ALF or SEH, including unit configuration and related common and service space, and any necessary remodeling, consistent with HUD or the state's statute/regulations
(whichever is more stringent), including compliance with all applicable accessibility laws.
Typical funding will cover basic physical conversion of existing project units, as well as related common and service space.
For ALF conversions, there must be sufficient community space to accommodate a central kitchen or dining facility; if meals are prepared at an off-site location, the preparation area of the facility must be of sufficient size to allow for the installation of a full kitchen.
For both ALF and SEH conversions, there must be community space available to all residents of the project.
All applicants seeking ALCP funding must provide supportive services for the residents either directly or through a third party.
The application must include a firm commitment, letter of support, or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the supportive services offered within the ALF or SEH.
The project may charge assisted living or service-enriched residents for meals and/or service fees.
Residents may contract with third party agencies directly for nursing, therapy, or other services not offered by the ALF or SEH.
Refer to Section III.C.
3. e, for more information about Meals and Supportive Services.
Residents must be offered, but cannot be required to accept, any supportive services.