This Notice is intended to achieve two goals:
(1) to provide Collaborative Applicantswith an outline of the functions and requirements of the annual registration process in e-snaps,and (2) to provide Collaborative Applicants and project applicants with information necessary toprepare for the FY 2013
CoC Program competition, including continued implementation of theamendments to the McKinney-Vento Act (the Act) made by the Homeless EmergencyAssistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act.
HUD strongly recommendsreferring to the CoC Program interim rule in conjunction with this Notice.
The registrationprocess described within this Notice applies only to Collaborative Applicants who will register aCoC for the FY 2013 CoC Program Competition.
This registration process does not apply toproject applicants or private individuals.
HUD does not provide funding to private individuals.Therefore, such individuals should not attempt to complete the registration process, or apply forfunding under the FY 2013 CoC Program Competition.