There are two eligible purposes for TIGGER grants:
(1) For capital investments that will assist in reducing the energy consumption of a transit system; or (2) for capital investments that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions of a public transportation system.
Project proposals may be submitted
under either or both categories.
FTA has established a range of funding that will be considered for approval.
Each submitted proposal must request a minimum of $1,000,000 and must not exceed a maximum of $15,000,00 0. Proposals that include projects less than $1,000,000 may be applied for if they are part of a consolidated proposal submitted by the State Department of Transportation (State DOT) or a consortium of smaller agencies working in tangent that, in total, meets or exceeds the $1,000,000 threshold.
FTA may decide to provide only partial funding for certain proposals to maximize the impact of this program.
Detailed budget proposals and a minimum value needed to achieve project results are expected in all proposals.
FTA encourages applicants with projects that are not technologically innovative, or which do not meet these funding thresholds to apply under the Clean Fuels program which has simpler application criteria.