The Clean Fuels Grant program was first established as the Clean Fuels Formula Grant program in Section 3008 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, Public Law 105-178, June 9, 1998 (now codified at 49 U.S.C.
The program was developed to assist non-attainment
or maintenance areas in achieving or maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and carbon monoxide (CO).
Additionally, the program supported emerging clean fuel and advanced propulsion technologies for transit buses and markets for those technologies.
FY 2011 unallocated funding provides $5 1. 5 million dollars in discretionary Clean Fuels Grant program resources.
Additionally, FTA is expanding the eligible applicant pool and may fund projects that meet the Clean Fuels Grant program objectives in attainment areas using a portion of discretionary Bus and Bus Facilities program resources that are available.
Program Purpose - The Clean Fuels/Bus and Bus Facilities program has a two-fold purpose.
First, the Clean Fuels Grant program was developed to assist nonattainment and maintenance areas in achieving or maintaining the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and CO.
The second program purpose is to support emerging clean fuel and advanced propulsion technologies for transit buses and markets for those technologies.
Please read FR Notice for complete description.
Related ProgramsClean Fuels
Department of Transportation