The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of approximately $25 million in unallocated discretionary Bus and Bus Facilities Program funds, supplemented by approximately $5 million in unallocated National Research Program funds, subject to funding availability, for continuing
support of the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council on Access and Mobilitys (Coordinating Council or CCAM) Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative (VTCLI).
This grant opportunity makes funds available to state and local governmental agencies for the capital costs of creating, expanding, or increasing access to local One-Call/One-Click Transportation Resource Centers (One-Call/One-Click Centers), as well as some research costs to demonstrate successful implementation of these capital projects.
The One-Call/One-Click Centers simplify access to transportation for the public by providing one place to connect veterans, service members, military families, persons with disabilities and other transportation-disadvantaged populations, such as older adults, low-income families or disadvantaged youth, to rides and transportation options provided in their locality by a variety of transportation providers and programs.
More information on the VTCLI is available at and also in FR Notice Vol.
77, No.
25 / Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 5. pdf.