This synopsis is the full announcement.
Predicting Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Ecosystems in the Great Northern Landscape:
Combining Vulnerability Assessments, Landscape Connectivity, and Modeling for Conservation.
Global climate change is likely to dramatically impact the
structure and function of freshwater systems, yet no studies have comprehensively assessed the potential effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems in the Great Northern Landscape.
The continued research described herein aims to build on an existing climate change and transboundary research program to assess the potential hydrologic, geomorphic, and thermal effects on foodwebs, native salmonids (threatened bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout), and lotic habitats in the transboundary (US and Canada) Flathead River system.
The project will apply new and existing techniques for combining downscaled and regionalized climate models linked with specific spatial data, fine-scale aquatic species vulnerability assessments (invertebrates=fish), population genetic data, and remotely sensed riparian and aquatic habitat analysis.
Results may be used to identify populations and habitats most susceptible to the impacts of climate change; develop monitoring and evaluation programs; inform future research needs; and develop conservation delivery options in response to climate change and other stressors (e.g., habitat loss and invasive species) that are often complicated or exacerbated by climate change.
The tasks to be performed under this agreement are as follows:-Role of Existing Climate Change-Related Projects-Foodwebs-Fish-Aquatic and Riparian Habitat-Collaboration with CMP -Transboundary capacity support