The US Geological Survey (USGS) is offering a funding opportunity to a CESU partner for research to incorporate additional datasets and to develop visualization and analysis tools for those large spatial datasets within the context of the USGS glacier dashboard.
The utility of the rapidly increasing
availability of spatially distributed datasets from remote sensing and modelling is primarily limited by the ability to visualize and analyze these data concurrently in context with the other available data.
The goal of the glacier dashboard is to democratize data availability and usability through a single online interactive platform.
Specifically, the intention of this funding opportunity is to add additional datasets to the glacier dashboard and to increase the analysis capabilities.
Additional datasets include, but are not limited to, minimum snow-covered area data from Zeller et al., in press, time-variable glacier outlines from various sources, and proglacial and periglacial lake datasets from Rick et al, 202 3. The principal additional analysis capabilities are to create functionalities to view time-variable data, and to create functionalities to allow aggregation and averaging of data by management units (i.e., what is the range and average of any given dataset within a particular National Park, or within a particular National Forest).