**AMENDMENT 1, posted on 10 June 2015, is the latest revision to this BAA.** Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Amendment in its entirety for the most up-to-date information.
The substantial changes for this amendment are as follows:
1) Thrust Area 7, Topic A was removed and
is no longer a valid topic for pre-application white paper submissions, and 2) Section 6. 9. 2. “Representation Regarding the Prohibition on Using Funds under Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements” was added.
**Please note that ALL general correspondence for this BAA must be sent to HDTRA1-FRCWMD-A@mail.mil.
Thrust Area specific correspondence must be sent to the applicable Thrust Area e-mail address in Attachment 7. **