The Office of Community Services (OCS) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces that applications will be accepted to fund up to five one-year grants for social services and income maintenance benefits enrollment coordination.
These grants will carry out three core
1) utilizing existing community access points for the benefits enrollment coordination process for under served residents; 2) combining technology and expert analysis to accurately assess individual and family eligibility for multiple benefits and services of government entities; and, 3) providing mechanisms for sustaining collaboration between community nonprofit organizations and government agencies for benefits determination and eligibility.Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), applicants will submit proposals for the three core functions mentioned above, which comprise elements of a strong system of services to support more effective and efficient benefits enrollment coordination programs.The purpose of this funding announcement is to support efforts to develop and implement evidence-based and innovative programming in the area of benefits enrollment outreach and assistance.
A secondary purpose is to identify benefits enrollment and coordination models that could be strengthened, adapted, and assessed for community impact and results.