With the passage of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) was amended in Section 3306 to provide additional funding for 2010 through 201 2. With the passage of ATRA, the MIPPA programs have again been reauthorized for a total
of $25 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 201 3. This legislation builds upon the 2008 MIPPA legislation which provided for beneficiary outreach and included funding to State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs), Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), Aging and Disability Resource Center programs (ADRCs), and for a resource center to help coordinate efforts to inform older Americans about available Federal and State benefits.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL) are jointly administering the MIPPA funding through a single announcement and a coordinated implementation and monitoring process as a model for similar state and local collaboration for this funding.
SHIPs, AAAs, and ADRCs have successfully filled an important role, providing valuable support at both the state and community levels for organizations involved in reaching people likely to be eligible for the Low Income Subsidy program (LIS), Medicare Savings Program (MSP), Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D) and in assisting beneficiaries in applying for benefits.
CMS and ACL seek plans from states that will describe how the 2013 MIPPA funds will be used to enhance those efforts through statewide and local coalition building focused on intensified outreach activities to help beneficiaries understand and apply for their Medicare benefits.
Consistent with 2009 and 2010 MIPPA funding, states should provide one coordinated State Plan in their application that covers the activities supported by the various funding sources available under MIPPA.
CMS and ACL request that states describe specific project plans to expand, extend, or enhance the outreach efforts to beneficiaries on Medicare Part D and for those with limited incomes.
States should describe how the SHIP, AAA and ADRC efforts will be coordinated to provide outreach to beneficiaries with limited incomes statewide, for general Medicare Part D outreach and assistance to beneficiaries in rural areas and for outreach activities aimed at Medicare prevention and wellness benefits as well as the improvements in the Part D program under the Affordable Care Act as mandated by Section 3306 of the Act.
States are asked to review their 2010 MIPPA plans and update these plans to reflect successes achieved to date and direct their efforts to enhance and expand their MIPPA outreach activities.